Tales from a Potted Shed – Issue #26

Just look at this beautiful Seed that Cherry helped to design. I’m sure all the shakes helped her with the idea. – LE Friendly Flutter. This Seed will be harvestable until 17th April.

Hey everyone!! Well what a week – The clocks finally went forward in the UK and Europe (possibly the rest of the world) to match back up with The USA/Canada/ SLT. That 1 hour makes such a difference my head was spinning daily to only be SLT+7 not +8. Anyway, it’s all back to normal and still not enough hours in the day to Shake Da Cherry!

New month means lots of newness! New LE seeds need New LE Pots.

Ivy –
Indoor Trellis – LE Baby Turtle
Sunset Mesa – LE Flower Basket

Spider –
Wicker – LE Spring Bouquet

Philodendron –
Pinnacle Tower – LE Bee Sweet

Sorcerers Stew – LE Thunderstorms

All of the above are limited to 1 per Avir per 24 hours
Karnivore Pots are for Patreon Level 6+
Available through 4/30

General release Pots
Not only do we have LE pots, we have a brand new set of Philodendron pots in the store, there are NOT LE pots, they are general release pots.

Available in 6 designs or a fatpack – The match new brand new Philo seeds that started dropping today. So its time to shake up those harvest bowls and try your luck!

Compost Seeds

Did you notice how the Goddesses have shaken up the compost seed packs? You asked they delivered. After a few discussions of how it could be done it was set. They would add Compost Edition and and the number of seeds needed to make it ’50’ to the seed packet picture. An example of this is below. This will make the seeds instantly identifiable as compost seeds. Any planted Compost seeds that clone will also come with this new texture on the seed packet. *Please note – At time of writing the 1k composter seed packs have not been fully updated to the new design but they will be as soon as possible*
It was shaky ground but we got there eventually!
As soon as the Wiki is up and running you will be able to cross check any plants and know what they are.

Yes, this is a new Spider Composter seed that is now harvestable from the Happy Little Composter


Have you seen the new CSR Seed for April yet? This was designed by Adena and its adorable! We didn’t shake the idea from her, she was having too much fun splashing around in the puddles. You can see all of the ways you can win this seed, in the blog Amanda wrote a few days ago Introducing the April 2024 CSR Prize Seed – Potted (pottedinsl.com)

If you have made it this far then I think you deserve the chance to win one of the CSR seeds. You’ll need to go back to the top though and read it again.

The first 5 people who write in the main Potted Inworld group
Shake” and the number of times the word shake or a word similar, like shaky is mentioned in THIS Blog. Example – Shake 2 (Words in this paragraph count too) will win a seed!

EDIT! The Prizes have been won, the answer was 10 (Now highlighted in BOLD text

That’s a wrap for this week. Good luck with your harvests, you never know what the next one will be!





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